Lesson 3: Facilitation skills Copy


We will explore what facilitation is. We will see how in facilitation there are some elements that you can prepare for and others that will depend on acting in the moment. This means that each time you facilitate, there will be an element of improvisation, of thinking on your feet. We will explore those elements you can prepare for and give pointers on how to do so.

Learning Objectives 

In this session you will: 

  • get an understanding of the interchange between people, process and content and why they are relevant for good facilitation
  • learn the relevance of good briefing, side-coaching and debriefing 
  • hear relevant facilitation tips
  • learn how to create a safe space and trust

Short Description

In this videowe will explore several models that are useful for facilitation. We will look at: “people, process, and content”, “briefing, side-coaching and debriefing”,  we will explore general facilitation tips and finally  we will look at how to create a safe space and trust. 

Key resources:

1. How to take your facilitation to the next level

In this blog, Paul Z Jackson explains how the “LIFEPASS” principles can help you take your facilitation skills to the next level. LIFEPASS stands for: Let go, Inhabit the moment, Freedom within structure, Embrace uncertainty, Play to play, Accept and build, Short turn taking, and spot successes.

2.Make your meetings a safe space

Setting ground rules or establishing agreements can be an important part of establishing a safe space, this Harvard Business Review article provides an overview of tips, techniques, and strategies to help create a safe space.

3.Essential facilitation skills for an effective facilitator 

Facilitation is the art of making meetings participative and more effective. So, what is it exactly, and what skills do you need to become a facilitator? This article dives right in and provides lots of practical tips.

Key resources:

1.The mouse in the room: fearless improvisation for facilitators

This charming and short eBook has been written with the purpose of helping to provide the reader with something of a warm-up to the spontaneity and improvisational spirit that lurks within. And in particular, there is a focus on bringing a connection between the journey of learning facilitation skills and that of learning about Improvisation.

2.Playmeo: how to conduct a debrief

Chock full of activities, videos, books, props, and other tools, Playmeo is a great resource for facilitators. This article provides a simple framework for a successful debrief.

3.Debriefing through journal writing

Image by: Green Chameleon, Bristol, UK

Debriefing is something that can be in a group, in pairs or triads, or as an individual reflection exercise, which is explained in this article from the Thiagi Group.