Lesson 4: Delivery of Impact-based Forecasts and Warnings

Session 4 Overview 

This session explores the different aspects that are important for sound session design of interactive processes. The presenters explore a range of important considerations ranging from defining a clear learning objective to defining a sound process that takes the diversity of participants into consideration. Finally we explore the importance of sequencing to achieve a good flow of the session and ultimately sound co-production processes. 

Learning Objectives 

In this session you will: 

  • gain practical tips and tricks of important points to consider when you are planning a learning process. Good design is key to facilitating an engaging learning process – and this input might inspire you to design more exciting learning journeys. 

Short Description

This video explores various important aspects of effective session design – from defining learning objectives, considering your audience to good sequencing and flow.

Key resources:

1.Participate! Workshop workflow guide

1. Participate!
Workshop workflow guide

This workshop workflow guide helps you think through all steps needed for effective workshop design: establish your objectives, have a checklist for your materials and much more. A key tool for workshop designers.

Photo by UX Indonesiaon Unsplash

2.Facilitating Meetings: A guide to making your meetings effective, inclusive and enjoyable.

Meetings can be inspiring spaces where everyone feels empowered and enthusiastic about your group and the plans you make. This guide offers tips, techniques and concepts to help meeting facilitators. If you are facilitating for the first time, or you’ve been doing it for a while and want a chance to reflect – this guide is for you.

3.Stories matter! How to become a climate chef and avoid disasters

In your climate risk management work, you may experience difficulties motivating people from diverse backgrounds and getting them to collaborate to create a more resilient society. This recipe book for making stories can help you to get people engaged and work towards a climate-proof and disaster resilient society.

Additional resources:

1.Principles of effective workshop design

This blog introduces five simple principles of effective workshop design.