Lesson 1: Introduction to interactive engagement Copy


This introductory module lays the groundwork for the course. It provides some foundational building blocks and explains why practitioners and researchers engaging in complex disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation processes  can benefit from engaging with applied improvisation tools and methods . 

Learning Objectives 

In this session, you will:

  • be introduced to applied improvisation 
  • be introduced to experiential learning 
  • learn the importance of  setting clear learning objectives for interactive processes 
  • learn how to frame interactive dialogue using applied improvisation in the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction  context

Short Description

This video explores the foundations of applied improvisation and explains how this can support effective engagement processes in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation processes.  

Key resources:

1. Participate!
Workshop workflow guide

This workshop workflow guide helps you think through all steps needed for effective workshop design: establish your objectives, have a checklist for your materials and much more. A key tool for workshop designers.

Photo by UX Indonesiaon on Unsplas

2. Applied Improvisation: the power of Yes, And.

In this TEDx video, Paul Z Jackson explains how “Yes, And” as an improvisational mindset can make a difference in your life.

3. Training to Imagine (paid resource)

Training to imagine offers practical improvisational theatre techniques for trainers and managers to enhance creativity, teamwork, leadership and learning. This is a book that will inspire you to embrace applied improvisation in your practice, with many concrete exercises and process suggestions. A gem of a book!

Additional Resources

Facilitation with applied improvisation

In this short video, Kat Koppett shares how you can apply improvisation principles in your facilitation in a simple and accessible way.

Easy! Your LIFEPASS to Creativity and Conficence (Paid resource)

4. Disadvantages of applied improvisation

Applied improvisation is said to be effective, experiential learning that inspires, educates, and entertaining. But it can also be terrifying, confusing, and distracting. Andrew Tarvin shares some of the disadvantages of Applied Improvisation, real or perceived, and speak to how you can manage those disadvantages to deliver events that lead to ‘ha’ and ‘aha’ instead of ‘ahhhhhhhhhh’.